Love is something two people share...
Love is about showing the other how much you really and truly care...
Love is about trusting the other person and being honest and having faith in them beyond the shadow of a doubt...

Love is about finding that special someone who you can not live without...
Love is about being with that certain someone that is your other half...
Love is about spending time with someone who no matter what can always make you laugh...

Love is when you can still love someone even if they have made a mistake...
Love is about finding someone to care for that you know isn't fake...
Love is about being with someone who can literally take your breath away...

Love is waking up every morning and realizing your love for that person grows more and more with each passing day...
Love is being there when they need you...
Love is about comforting them in the unique way that you do...

Love is about when they say I love you, you can look them in the eye and truly mean it when you say I love you too...
Love is about being able to hold their hands and look them into their eyes and see their very soul and mean every word that you say...

Love is when you can open your heart to that person and let them in each and every day...
Love is when that person is,
Always on your mind...
Forever in your heart.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Im sick of guys treating me like shit.
I think im going to be happy.
But im stuck in this world i call reality.
Everything has gone wrong for me.
So im giving up.
on love.
on happiness.
on everything.
When you see me smile it wont be real.
I will seem like the happiest person in the world.
But inside im dying.
I love, being in love .
I just dont think i will again.
Im normally not such a depressed person.
But i cant hold it in anymore.
Im done trying to love.
I give up.
You win.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Saturday, January 8, 2011

For You Only..

Life is filled with happiness, sadness, tears, smiles, laughter and other emotions but when life gets you down, just be strong about it and keep your head up high and have faith in all things in life. Always remember: God is at your side, always.

Just Admire..:)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

"I love you, not only for what you are, But for what I am when I am with you."

You're the first thing I think of
Each morning when I rise
You're the last thing I think of
When I close my eyes

You're in each thought I have
And every breath I take
My feelings are growing stronger
With every move you make

You're an angel from above
who takes away my pain
My love for you is so strong
It's always just the same

You're the miracle in my life
Who can always make me smile
Just knowing that you care
Makes my life worth-while

You've touched my heart and soul
Which you have from the start
Your warm soft words
Will never leave my heart

You are everything I want
You're so pure and true
I love you with everything I have
And I love everything that you do.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I'M aLone..:)

I'm celebrate my bday alone..
acctly i wont much on my bday..
just enough,if someone i love stay behind me..
and sharing in whole day with happiness and smile..
but year and year i just celebrate my birthday alone..
but its ok..thanks to all my fren cause they wish,make me a smile in whole day..
thanks a lots frenz!..
thanks to my sis rozie,path and Jacky..for accompany me
for this my lonely bday..To my Boo..thanks only for the wishes and advance choc
you give me before my bday..i'm appreciated it..THANK YOU..
To Ronica,what ever happen,
i hope u enjoy with your life now..
be strong and be a gud one..
Lastly,I love u all coz still being me as your frenz..
thanks to mum and dad..event both of your forget my birthday,
but i never mad..but thanks for giving me a chance
born and can see a beautiful world..
thanks to god also,cause still give a chance,
and still alive till now..thanks all...

                                                          HAPPY BIRTHDAY RONICA!!
                                                              MAY GOD BLESS YOU..

Monday, November 8, 2010

Please I dont Want this will Be happen again!!!

15 days lagi my birthday coming..OMG..makin hari,makin sy sakit hati pula..
im still in trauma,when last year my birthday..paling malang...
when my bf forget my birthday!why?? after 1 days my bday past,
i text my bf,"syg lupa da ka mau wish sy punya bday?" then he replayed me"sorry sayang,alarm sy tida bebunyi pun tia sedar..sorry k" mau tau pa sy rasa time tu ka??
mcm ada batu besar sedang tindih atas badan sy..sakit hati sy tida bf only remember my bday after u alarm ringing???really?? syg blum tau lagi apa sy rasa tu time...sakit hati ada..
cuba bf sdri buli lupa gf sdri punya bday?sedang kan we couple 3 years already..
only say "sorry"tida akan megubah me.. after 3 days,we go out together,sy terpaksa kuat kan hati sy tuk jumpa juga.. nampak nya tida berbaloi sy pi jumpa dia..dan lastly...
naluri sy kuat tuk ambil hf dia.dan baca semua text msg.. rupa2 nya tekaan naluri sy tepat..
i see u text message with other gurl.. sy tida kisah if tu biasa ja..
but the text msg Ber"syg2"..i love u...apa nii???
skrg baru sy sedar..knpa dia lupa bday sy..becoz of this gurl!!!
tuhan ja tau pa sy rasa time tu..tergamak dia buat sy mcm ni?apa salah sy?sy tida pernah pun ada lelaki lain selama 3 tahun so stupid!
then,time tu juga sy minta break!sy bukan tunggul!if sy tida ambil hf dari poket dia,sampai bila2 pun dia tipu sy dari belakang..knpa juga kisah cinta sy macam ni!on november birthday!
dari hari tida berhenti menangis,menangis dan btul2 rasa kecewa..
sayang im so sorry..i want release  all this things!just let me go!
pi la ko sama tu tida kisah..sebab ini bukan pertama kali sy bagi peluang..tapi ini suda ke-3 kali! KE_3 KALI!!!! sy mau cari lelaki yg ikhlas mencintai sy..yg really love me..dan terima semua kekurangan diri sy..that's all! Tapi kenapa sy boleh terima dia balik,sebab first mungkin sy sayang dia.. 2nd,banyak ugutan dia..
3nd dia guna mum dia tuk pujuk lagi yg boleh sy buat,sy terima dengan hati yg sangat kecewa! but i already tell you b4 sy terima ko balik,i just want you to know,

and the last thing i want you to know,
i still not forget all u do for me last year,
berubah biar berubah trus..lau ada jodoh ada la tu..
thanks you for everything!coz always hurting me..


Rest In Peace-Wife Robert (Ann)-

Dear Robert,
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your wonderful family as you mourn the loss of your wife. I know that God will grace you with peace and comfort in the days ahead.
Please know that I will be praying for you and the children that you will all find the peace and comfort in this tragic time. I know that God will answer our prayers.
We have many women who make up our lives
Mother, sister, grandmother and daughter
But the one that we call wife is the one
who we attach our heart and live as one
With the solemn oath that until death do we part
God gives us many gifts in life, parents, children
even friends; But the special gift is in a blessed
union to the one true love of our lives
That is the one that we call wife
Lucky is the man who finds that special woman
The one true love from which all love springs
The joy of children that we call our own
May God Bless You and your family.
Faithfully Yours,
From,Ronica N Family...GBU!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Should i Follow My Feeling??

Today 30hb.2:46am..I feel Very different like usual..why my tears non stop out
when my boo still not text me MSG until now since 12:00am till 2:50am..
since he go out with he frens..Something happen??Or he with somebody
there?OMG!!!this is same i feel last year,when i know he with other girl!.
What Ever! 

Sunday, September 19, 2010

waaa..kundasang trip!siuk!! baru best!trip to kundasang??mesti la mau pi..kira2 budget?okk boleh lah..biar karing kemudian..tu belakang kira..huhu

2jam perjalanan..jam9 bertolak dari rumah..pi merayau2 kijap jam 10 am baru jalan dari sepanggar..nasib baik driver dia drif2 hahaha..laju gila..!bf sa bah..huhu..mau dkat da sampai ni..tingu kiri kanan akhir nya jumpa juga tempat stay kami..d strawberry hotel...waa buli tahan oh view dia..siap ada blokoni lagi..hahaha..sampai2 ja check in trus jalan pi poring.andu bah jauh nya..pening2 bah kepala..siuk juga ni..sampai ja trus2 terjuun pi swimming pool..SUJUK!!!

ni kali lah..berendam dalam airr..

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Why i still with you,even u always broke my heart

dear,i acctly really don't know how i need to explain.about my feeling with you..only god know.biar pun u always,broke my heart..tapi sy masi lagi dapat bertahan..but i just want u to know,when i really tired tuk pertahankan this hubungan,i must let u free..dan pergila sejauh yg mungkin..yg pastinya kita tidak berjumpa lagi..
dear,4 years ago..
3 times,i still not forget what ur already do at my back..u know dear,acctly sy suda putus harapan tuk menerus kan this relationship..but my heart still strong to love u..walaupun hati sy ni sakit..memendam semua perasaan,i always cry..please understand me..just let me go,its that the way u want..

dear,only 1 thing i need from you,just show me a little bit love to me..thanks for everything!!!
i really mean it!
"i LoVe You More Than Words"


This is My beginning liaw!

Huh..sekian lama sy tunggu buat ni blog baru siap..if sy tau awal2,may be all my love story,i will write here as my 2nd book for i sharing how i feel when I'm not really strong to continue my life as a weak person..but thanks GOd i still live till now..even sometime i really tired to everything to hurting me..but now i try to be a gud one..but God please teach me,bless me..specially to my whole family and my dearest mico.thanks ya!.